Monday, June 30, 2014

Life In The Woods and The Fields a New Collage

30x35 cm, Rotring 0.5 and 0.3 rapidographs, white gel pen, collage on fabriano paper for pastels
References - 
Hedgehog inspiration photo , two old american books pages - the first and the second and bunch of black and white xerox copies of photos of New York buildings.

Something completely new for me is a collage and also using some real rapidographs by Rotring which are just amazing after using micron pens I decided to try the good heavy stuff! 



May be a series, we'll see! :)

Foxes of The Seasons Series is complete!

The Spring - Island Fox - endangered species
Finished this one last week!

Previous WIPs of the Spring Island fox are right here. And two more are - 

To sum up the challenging work on the series, I worked more than 3 years on these four canvases because I have full time job and not a lot time for art,  but I finally did it! 
So every fox stands for a season, Arctic fox for the winter, Island fox for the spring, fennec for the summer and the Red fox for the autumn. 
The Celtic Five Fold symbol is for the four seasons, four elements and the directions all united in balance by the five element. This series is about the balance of the nature and the love to nature and animals.
Each canvas is 40x50 cm, oils on canvas, I also used silver and gold artist Winsor and newton oils on the borders of each canvas - they are amazing quality by the way.
All the series started then I discovered the magical series of seasons, times of the day, flowers, the marvelous Alfonse Mucha. 

Some exampels
The Arts by A. Mucha

The Gem Stones by Mucha

The Seasons by Mucha

And after the visit ti the Mucha museum in Prague in 2010, I decided why not to create my own series of the seasons with animals, so I started a research on the topic and decided to proceed with a fox for a season because foxes are one of the most common species of mammals that live almost in every climate on earth, so the work on the foxes of the seasons has begun! :)

The first study done in 2011 

Thanks to this series I became much more skilled with oils and I keep developing my own artistic personality. This was long project that taught me a lot about art, skills and myself!
I kindly wish every artist to complete a project like this because it is an inevitable step in a development of an artist.