Sunday, February 17, 2013


A little update just to remind myself that I still have some personal and art life. Well, I'll start from personal, you are welcome to say Mazal Tov for me and my fiance, after five years of great, healthy and amazing relationship we decided to take a step further and now we are engaged! :) 
The proposal was cute and cuddly and we celebrated our five years during a little weekend vacation at the north part of Israel.

And here is an art update, I am currently working on couple of projects and here is a little progress update of one of them. It's my sister while she was pregnant with my cute nephew. Now he is almost seven months old.  :) This is a surprise work for her birthday in April so... shhh on that!

Third Step - This is how it looks right now,
lots of work to do but I am on the right path!

Second Step - Enhanced the top part of the
 hand and the belly .
 First Step - The sketch is done!
I am so glad that I convinced my sister and her husband to take a "pregnant series of photos", they are so beautiful together and the photographers did a great job with them.

By the way I am also very happy that my "Cracal" watercolor painting got a Daily Deviation at Deviantart at the beginning of January, and that's great and delightful!

Something little from my sketch book, from January. 

I just can't resist to post a photo of my cute Picanto,
 is't she lovely? :)