Saturday, May 17, 2014

Polar Bear Aurora - one of a kind canvas hand painted bag


Hand painted original canvas bag, size 41x38cm, handles length is 23cm, reference by monstrous-kitten, painted with acrylics on canvas bag, this is one of a kind bag! 

Are you interested in this bag or a special bag made just for you? 
Write me an email for all the details -


Little Sketches - to feel that I still can make some art even at busy times...

Frankenweenie, done with micron pens in my Fabriano Quadrato Artist's Journal, 16x16 cm, small and cute work, a little tribute to Tim Burton :)

 Plein Air drawing in my pocket watercolor moleskine sketchbook , simple pencil and great architecture!


The actual place - Saint Peter church in old Jaffa

Foxes Update - Spring WIPs

This is the final for of the series - The Spring



WIP3 - This is how it looks now, still lots of work here but I see the end! :)

A brief reminder of the completed Foxes of The Seasons - Autumn , Winter, Summer